How to start saving for bus travel?

Would you like to go on holiday several times a year instead of one trip? Sure! Who wouldn’t want to travel more! The only question is how to do it? wants to show you a few simple ways to reduce your expenses and constantly increase your travel capital. How can we creatively allocate some savings from our home budget so that at the end of the year we can collect a nice sum and we won’t feel it at all? Here are some simple tips that will help you afford more bus tickets.

Home budget planning and expense control

This is the first step to saving for any purpose, not just travel. First of all, start by carefully writing down your expenses, from the most important ones, such as those related to the apartment (rent or rent and fees), car (maintenance costs, fuel), to expenses for food, cosmetics and medicines. It is worth making shopping lists so as not to be influenced by the moment or marketing tricks. Only by being aware of your expenses will you be able to see how much you can actually save. How much money do you spend on automatic, paid subscriptions? And how many do you actually use? It is worth checking your account and checking how many of them you can opt out of. One streaming platform is enough, we won’t be able to watch more.

Every month, it is worth looking at your expenses and checking if we can save on some things? Perhaps it would be better to give up some of them. Thanks to this, we are able to plan a budget for the month and control our expenses. Then we know how much we can spend on our travel goal. How much and how should we save for our trips?

Regular savings

If you have knowledge about your expenses and where your hard-earned money goes, you can consider how much you can actually save for travel. It can be a specific amount that automatically disappears from your account every month and goes to the “travel fund“. PLN 100 a month is enough to have PLN 1,200 at the end of the year. For this you can buy a few bus tickets and even go on a few trips abroad. It is worth opening a deposit or savings account so that you have limited access to this money. You will also earn a small interest rate on your deposits.

Latte effect

This term covers small expenses that we often allow ourselves to spend every day, claiming that we deserve them! After all, it’s just one coffee in the city for PLN 15. One sweet cake for coffee at the cafe! We really don’t realize how many such small, momentary pleasures we will get every month. These are often amounts that will even allow us to buy a bus ticket in both directions. You can make coffee at home, buy a thermal mug and drink it in the city. Savings guaranteed!

Cooking at home also while traveling

Preparing dinner at home is certainly much cheaper than going to a restaurant. On this occasion, you can make large purchases, save money and prepare meals for several days. This certainly reduces significant expenses, also when traveling. Of course, it is worth visiting local restaurants and getting to know traditional cuisine, but you also need to approach the topic wisely. It’s worth saving on breakfast – buy products at a local supermarket and eat them before going out. You can also look for hotels with a free breakfast included in the price, as well as find a place with a kitchenette where you can cook something for dinner from time to time.

Limit car trips

In many cases, we need a car to get from home to work. However, we often choose a car only because of convenience, laziness or habit. This is not any form of saving time, considering how much we spend in traffic jams, nor certainly money. Getting around the city by bike, public transport or even on foot is beneficial not only for your wallet, but also for your health and the environment. If you still don’t believe it, just do a week’s experiment to find out. When traveling in Poland or abroad, always calculate the travel costs and then check train or bus ticket prices on You will be surprised how often the bus is a much cheaper option.

Quit smoking

There won’t be a word about health here, but about the harmful effects of alcohol and cigarettes on your wallet. If you haven’t quit cigarettes yet, quickly count how many trips you smoke, it will certainly be a great motivation to give up this addiction. Alcohol is equally expensive, and this also applies to all kinds of nights out and social gatherings. Each drink or beer at the bar adds another dozen or so zlotys to our trips. It is also worth looking for savings here.

Used instead of new

Browsing thrift stores or vintage stores, you can find a lot of good clothes at great prices. When buying original things, we often overpay for mediocre clothes that will have to be thrown away after some time. You can also look for used electronic equipment, books or other things. You can also take stock of unused items and unwanted gifts to resell them and increase your budget.

Take advantage of promotions

From supermarket promotions to online ones. Sign up for newsletters, browse offers from price comparison websites, use notifications and wait for deals. Sometimes it is enough to wait a few weeks and adapt your purchases to current, interesting offers. Also when traveling – check accommodation or tickets on several platforms and choose the cheapest one. In the case of bus tickets, your indispensable tool should, of course, be the comparison website. Here you will find the cheapest bus travel options.

What are your ways to save? We hope that you will like some of these tips and, most importantly, put them into practice. Let’s hope that thanks to it you will be able to afford more trips and more bus tickets to your dream cities. As you can see, a lot of money can simply escape from our wallet unnoticed and it may seem that we really cannot afford to travel. And these few fewer coffees or drinks in the city can be a nice place to stay and another country on your travel list. Is it different? We would love to hear your opinions on saving.

Author: Karol Dzieciątko
Passionate about travel, especially bus travel.
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