How to save while traveling?

We associate holidays and travel with a time of pleasure – a time for which we work very hard. Then we don’t pay attention to expenses, but rather want to have fun and get to know the places we are in. Visit museums, go to local restaurants to try regional delicacies. However, there are many ways in which we can save on traveling or adapt it more to our budget. We will show some of them how to travel to keep some zlotys in your wallet without losing the quality and pleasure of your trip.

Grab cheap tickets

The basic and main expense is transport to our dream place. What to choose – car, plane or bus? There are many websites where we can find interesting airline promotions. It’s worth following them to grab cheap tickets. We can adjust our holiday to a cheaper period, travel out of season or simply choose countries that have promotional offers at that moment. Transport by bus is usually much cheaper, so choose our buses especially. Now, thanks to, you can find your way through the maze of carriers and promotions to choose the best connection. is the best bus ticket price comparison website. Here you can buy the cheapest bus tickets and save a lot of money on your trip.

Savings on accommodation

The next expense is, of course, accommodation. There is a chance to reduce these expenses to zero and sleep in a tent or take advantage of the hospitality of the locals, e.g. on Couchsurfing or on various social networking groups. However, not everyone can decide on this option, and it is not always possible. So we are left with the option of renting a room. Remember that in the case of short weekend trips, the hotel room is often the place where we spend the night. Then we don’t have to book an expensive apartment, the cheapest accommodation is enough, and if sleeping in shared rooms doesn’t bother us, even a bed in a hostel will be a great budget option. It is worth checking and comparing different offers on or Airbnb. It happens that the price difference for the same object is very high. When traveling by bus, it is worth choosing night connections to save on accommodation.

Limit eating in restaurants

Of course, eating in local restaurants is a very important part of traveling. This is how we get to know the flavors and culture of a given place. However, frequent visits to restaurants can put a strain on your budget. Perhaps it would be better to spend this money on entrance tickets to museums or other attractions. Therefore, when choosing accommodation, it is worth paying attention to whether they have a kitchen or a small kitchenette where we could prepare our own meal. By cooking yourself – you can eat up to 90% cheaper than in a restaurant. It is especially worth paying attention to breakfast, which is much easier to prepare than dinner. Shop at your local supermarket and enjoy a delicious meal before heading out to explore.

Prepare for your journey

Let’s be honest, all the places have already been discovered. It is very likely that someone has already been to the place you are going to, and most importantly, someone has already described it. Therefore, browse books, travel blogs and read about the place you are going to. You can look for free attractions in a given place. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on museum tickets, because some of them have one day a week where you can visit them for free. There are many places and activities that don’t cost anything, e.g. free festivals. Check the cities’ websites to see what’s happening on a given weekend. It is also worth finding out the prices of local products, as well as places where the local community eats or where you can buy cheap souvenirs. The more you prepare, the more you will save! This is our golden travel rule.

Stick to your budget

It is a good idea to determine your travel budget, and most importantly, it is worth sticking to it. Without this, our expenses will disappear in the blink of an eye. When walking around the city, we have not only many opportunities, but above all many temptations to spend money. Good preparation and checking local prices will help us set an appropriate budget for the trip. Then we know what we can still afford and, most importantly, how much it may cost. Thanks to this, our money for the trip will not run out halfway through the vacation. As we approach the limit, we may ask ourselves whether we really need that next souvenir or whether we need to have that next drink at the bar?


Traveling is a moment when we want to allow ourselves to be spontaneous. After all, it is a time when we rest from duties, plans and work. And it’s definitely worth letting go sometimes and allowing yourself a bit of madness. However, it can be combined with saving while on vacation. It is worth defining your priorities before leaving, making choices and determining what you will spend more money on and what you can give up. Most great memories don’t have to involve spending a lot of money. What matters is our openness, as well as the people we travel with or meet on the road. We hope that these few entries will allow you to save money while traveling, so that you will be able to travel more and more often.

Author: Karol Dzieciątko
Traveling is my passion, especially by bus.
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